Thursday, December 9, 2010


I can't believe the past three days.  I was hit by the labrador retriever (a slow moving freight train) on Saturday afternoon, felt fine. Saturday evening foot started to swell and tender walking. Sunday morning foot really swollen, really hurt to walk, limped around for the day. Monday swelling diminished, only a little swollen. Tuesday lower back in agony, can't move. Wednesday back is even worse, once I am sitting in one place I don't move. Thursday back is starting to feel a little better, but still stiff and sore, top of leg sore.  One whack from a gentle dog and I am done in for the week.

Since moving has been so difficult I have had lots of time to sit and sew.  All of the pieces have been taken apart, pressed, new pieces cut and all of the melons are sewn and ready to be inserted into the rings. 

I have guild meeting tonight, will play it by ear today and see if I can make it tonight.

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