Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Using watercolour squares

This sounds dumb, but I am complaining because it is another gorgeous day and not the usual grey November day we are all used too.  I am not going out, at least not far, I am going to stay home and get some work done.  I will ignore the sad eyes that Maggie gives me when she realizes we are not going galavanting.
A long time ago I bought a couple of kits to make 2 watercolour wallhangings.  Never did make these and so had all those little 2" floral squares sitting around.  I saw a pattern in a magazine (can't remember which one) and thought it would be a great way to use up some of those squares.  Below is what I came up with:

This is the finished wallhanging  29" X 39".
all those wonderful 2" floral squares, everyone different

I added the applique squares as a break in the business (love to applique), one in yellow, one in blue and one in pink. each of the flowers has small matching beads. Trying to give this small item a bit of pizzaz. Now that I have spent time taking pictures and catching up on the computer, I have to get dressed and then get down to work.  I still have 2 more tutu bags to make and one has to go with me to the quilt guild meeting tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love your version .... it looks like you have a brick wall with window cutouts for you to look through and see your lovely flowers.
